Mod Events

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Revision as of 06:46, 6 August 2015 by Felis (talk | contribs) ("parrot" value is not in 3.2)
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userid short user ID who died
attacker short user ID who killed
assistid short user ID of kill assister
weapon string weapon name killed used
special bool special attack
grail bool grail graced kill
suiassist bool suicide assist
headshot bool headshot
debuffed bool killed player was debuffed?'

userid short user ID who changed team
oldteam short Team number of previous team
newteam short Team number of new team

userid short user ID who changed class
old_class short class ID of old class
new_class short class ID of new class

userid short user ID who just spawned

userid short user ID of person who did objective
groupids string string of user IDs for a list of players doing an objective
assistid short user ID of any assistant with objective (0 means unused)
enemyid short user ID of possible enemy (0 means unused)
extra string string of extra data that is placed in #EXTRA# section of the score string
text string text to append to the userid's name ( The string is searched and uses: #I# is userid, #ASSIST# is assistid, and #ENEMY# is enemyid )

userid short user ID of person who gained points
points float Points the user earned
sid short Score ID (These are the indices of the different specific scoring metrics, for example: killing someone who stole your chest recently)

forceupload bool

userid short user ID of player who caused the nemesis
victim short user ID of player who was the victim

userid short user ID of player who achieved revenge
victim short user ID of player who was the nemesis

userid short user ID whose parrot/npc died
attacker short user ID who killed
weapon string weapon name killed used
special bool special attack
type string classname of the npc entity (npc_parrot/npc_vulture)

userid short
health short
priority short
attacker short
damagetype long

userid short user ID of player who jumped

userid short user ID of player who used their special

userid short user ID of player whose special bar is full

userid short user ID of player who tossed it
weapon string explosive type tossed (is the weapon name like powderkeg)

userid short user ID of player who tossed it
victims string aray of chars representing user IDs of players who were hit (if any)
weapon string explosive type (is weapon name like powderkeg)
damage float How much total damage was done

userid short user ID of player who swung
victims string array of chars representing user IDs of players who were hit (if any)
weapon string weapon that was swung
atkdir short melee attack direction
damage float how much damage was dealt total with the swing
hitper float what percentage of the swing arc hit actual targets


This also is fired when a powderkeg or chest hits a player. The weapon will be thrownkeg or chest

userid short user ID of player who fired
victim short entindex of entity that was hit (if any)
weapon string weapon that was fired
damage float how much damage was dealt, if 0 obviously missed or blocked by shield if victim is set
headshot bool headshot

userid short user ID of player who performed a Perfect Parry
attacker short user ID of the attacker

userid short User ID of player who performed a counter-attack

userid short User ID of player whose shield took damage
strength short New shield strength
maxstrength short Maximum shield strength

userid short user ID of person who rolled


This is for kicking in combat, not to be confused with kicking a player from the server

userid short user ID of player who kicked
victim short entindex of the ent that was hit, user ID if player.
damage float how much damage was dealt

For the next two events, to best detect these you would listen for the player_ranged_impact and trigger on your player's userid matching store the victim id and then listen for a player_ranged_impale. If one comes within a short time with the same victim id you know it was your player who impaled him and you will know what weapon was used.

It is the same for projectile_bounce just in reverse. You would listen for the bounce first then the player_ranged_impact if you wanted to know that a player was ballin' and bounced the projectile off a surface for the kill


Fired when a player is impaled to a surface with a ranged weapon (only client-side)

victim short user ID of player who was impaled


Fired when a projectile has bounced off a surface

userid short user ID of player who shot this projectile
weapon string weapon that was fired


Fired when a player has a health effect applied to him, Food Pickups, Freebooter Poison

userid short user ID of player who is having the health effect applied to
health float the health amount being added per second
duration float how long this effect will last. Total health change for this effect is (health * duration)
type short type of the effect

userid short user ID of player who picked up this item
type short type of pickup, 0 = Food, 1 = Armor, 2 = Ranged Ammo (Since you have userid you can get specific type of armor/ammo from the team number of that player)

userid short user ID of player who picked up the chest
chestid short entity index of the chest that was picked up
last_owner byte Team Number of the last owner of this chest; 2 = Pirates, 3 = Vikings, 4 = Knights (Last zone it was in essentially, if not in a zone initially it will be 1)
captured bool true if the chest was owned by a team before it was picked up

userid short user ID of player who dropped the chest
chestid short entity index of the new chest that was dropped
oldid short index of the old chest that was being carried. Chests get a new index every drop because of code to reduce latency in dropping them.
last_owner byte Team Number of the last owner of this chest; 2 = Pirates, 3 = Vikings, 4 = Knights (Last zone it was in essentially, if not in a zone initially it will be 1)
bashid short user ID of the player (if any) that bashed the carrier to cause him to drop it

userid short user ID of player who captured this chest
chestid short index of the chest that was captured
last_owner short team that owned this chest previously, 0 if none

chestid short entity index of the chest that respawned back to its owner

userid short user ID of player who initiated the special
chestid short index of the chest that this special was performed with

team short Team whose trinket was picked up
userid short user ID of player who picked up trinket
victim short user ID of player who was killed to get trinket, otherwise 0
assistid short user ID of player who assisted in killing the victim if was a non-kill pickup will always be 0
initial bool true on round start


Does not fire a drop if the carrier was killed and his attacker automatically received the grail because a grail_pickup will instead fire containing this same info except he will be the victim not userid.

userid short user ID of player who dropped trinket
team short team of player who dropped trinket
killerid short user ID of player who killed the trinket carrier

userid short user ID of player who is getting grace points

team short team whose trinket despawned

team short team whose trinket this is
amount short total amount healed to teammates by the trinket

winner short


Sudden Death has been entered in Last Team Standing

plpirate short Number of players that are left alive
plviking short
plknight short


A player died in LTS mode

team short Team of the player who died
palive short Pirates alive
valive short Vikings alive
kalive short Knights alive


The round is restarting


Fired when the game starts the Waiting for Players time period when first playing a new map


Fired when the game ends the Waiting for Players time period when first playing a new map

plpirate short Number of players on Pirates when this is fired
plviking short Number of players on Vikings when this is fired
plknight short Number of players on Knights when this is fired

userids string Each character is the user id of a player who captured it
team short Team that captured
tindex short Territory that was captured
pcontrol short Number of territories owned by Pirates after the capture
vcontrol short Number of territories owned by Vikings after the capture
kcontrol short Number of territories owned by Knights after the capture
unoccupied short Number of territories unoccupied after the capture

userid short user ID of player getting guard points

team short Team whose territory is contested
tindex short Territory entity index

team short Team that previously owned the territory
tindex short Territory that became unoccupied
pcontrol short Number of territories owned by Pirates after the capture
vcontrol short Number of territories owned by Vikings after the capture
kcontrol short Number of territories owned by Knights after the capture
unoccupied short Number of territories unoccupied after the capture

team short Team that is currently about to win


winner short
pid_1 short
pid_2 short
pid_3 short
pscore_1 short
pscore_2 short
pscore_3 short
pdmg_1 float
pdmg_2 float
pdmg_3 float


player byte
boardid short

player byte
repid short
rank short

player byte entindex of the player
achievement short achievement ID

achievement_name string
my_val short
req_val short

achievement_name string
cur_val short
max_val short

achievement_name string
cur_val short
max_val short
comp_val short


Client-side event for initiating the frozen part of the death cam


The freeze frame has been taken


Starts the death cam up and begins zooming towards the killer

killer short entindex


Death cam finished event client-side only


Client-side event when the player starts blocking


Client-side event when the player starts a charged attack


Client-side event when the player releases an attack

charge float Amount of charge


Client-side event when the player performs a shield bash


Client-side event when the player looks towards an entity

entindex int Entity index of spotted entity