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Dpnc vous savez comment jouer. Mais vous voulez savoir "Comment gagner?" Ici, vous trouverez les différentes stratégies pour chaque classe et équipe.

Stratégies par classes

Class-Specific Strategies
Pirates Vikings Chevaliers
Pvk2 skirm kill special 2x.jpg Pvk2 capt kill hook100x.jpg SSElite.jpg Pvk2 zerker chop dmg 100k.jpg Pvk2 husc kill special 2x.jpg GestirOld.jpg Pvk2 heavyk twosword dmg 1mil.jpg Pvk2 archer sword dmg 100k.jpg MAATenderizer.jpg
Skirmisher Captain Sharpshooter Berserker Huscarl Gestir Heavy Knight Archer Man-At-Arms

Stratégies d'équipes

Comme Des Rats

La force des pirates réside dans leurs tactiques déloyales. Ils ont peu de vie et d'armure mais ils sont rapide. pour équilibrer leur faiblesse, ils peuvent infliger rapidement de gros dégâts mais cela demande souvent de distraire l'adversaire : le capitaine et le sharpshooters ont besoins de se mettre à couver pour recharger leurs armes, les skirmishers ont besoin de temps pour allumer et lancer leur tonneau d'explosif. Ils doivent offrir a leur équipe des opportunités pour prendre l'ennemis à revers, avoir le temps de recharger les armes et lancer les explosifs. Le pirate doit savoir quand combattre et quand il doit quitter son navire.

Guerre des reliques

Quand ils ont le Grog les pirates doivent rester en mouvement pour prendre par surprise les adversaires en combat rapproché. Dans des espaces ouvert les skirmishers et sharpshooters peuvent essayer d'éliminer les archers qui pourraient descendre le porteur du Grog. les chevaliers ou un vikings qui sont trop lent pour vous attraper seront facilement éliminé par vos équipiers.

Chasse aux coffres

Quand on combat a la capture des coffres remplis d'or vous pouvez anéantir la défense adverse avec des barils explosif et finir les survivants aux armes à feu. Pour défendre vos coffres vous pouvez utiliser la même stratégie pour faire exploser les attaquants. Quand vous n'avez plus rien à faire sauter les pirates peuvent lancer des attaques rapides et prendre les ennemis dans des embuscades.

Dernière équipe en vie

Dans ce mode de jeux les pirates doivent rapidement abandonner leur point de départ avant d'être submergé par les ennemis. les skirmishers peuvent envoyer quelques barils explosifs dans les groupes ennemis ou les attaquer par derrière lorsque leurs ennemis sont occupés. Ensuite les capitaines et sharshooter peuvent rapidement les finir avant d'avoir besoin de recharger.

Capture des territoires

Pour prendre les territoires les pirates peuvent rapidement patrouiller pour ceux qui sont sans défense ou charger leurs attaques spéciales sur des cibles isolé pour frapper efficacement les défenseurs. Plutôt que d'essayer de défendre une zone, les pirates doivent rapidement passer d'un territoire a l'autre pour les capturer et rendre fou les équipes plus lentes


Comme une horde

One Viking well-versed in combat is a nuisance, a horde of well-versed Vikings is an unstoppable fighting force. Vikings have a good health/armor pool and can deal consistent damage. In terms of speed, Vikings carrying a full arsenal of weapons may not be able to catch a Skirmisher or Archer, but with shields and thrown weapons, they may never need to. Vikings are able to adapt to the battlefield ahead of them, drawing shields against a ranged attack, throwing spears/axes to soften exposed enemies, or flat-out obliterating enemies with big axes and long spears. To secure victories as a Viking, you must fight like a Viking. Unless you are severely outnumbered, a Viking should show his enemy neither fear nor weakness. In most situations, a retreating Viking is too slow to escape and will not have a seat in Valhalla.

Guerre des Reliques

When wielding the sacred Mead Horn against veaklings, a Viking team is at its most powerful when together and advancing on an enemy. Enemies trying to take the Horn carrier down will try to figure out which way he's going, and lie in ambush with kegs, crossbows, and special attacks ready. Vikings on the warpath should be able to crush these "smart" enemies before they pose a real threat.

Capture des coffres

When pillaging gold, Vikings should use their great strength to reach the treasure, take the treasure, and kill anyone who gets in their way. A Viking shield can guard a doorway, allowing teammates to escape with the gold unhindered. When defending, a Viking team should push out of their base and keep their enemies reeling. Only when overwhelmed should Vikings fall back and try to ambush their enemies.

Dernière équipe en vie

When trying to obliterate the other teams, Vikings should waste no time in learning the locations of the other teams. Once learned, the Vikings should corner one team or the other and devastate them before the other team can get too close. If the other team closes in, the Vikings should switch targets while the first team is still reeling.

Capture des territoires

When trying to pillage territory, Vikings should surrounded attackers and defenders alike, boxing them in and cutting them down before capturing the territory. Vikings territories are defended by intercepting one team's attackers before they reach the territory, then falling back to unleash specials on the other team.

Comme une machine bien huilée

Archers can be annoying, or just another notch on somebody's axe, and perhaps the 4th pick-up "Free special attack". A Heavy Knight can be as tough as nails in plate armor, or he could be a slow idiot for enemies to use as target practice. Men-At-Arms can cripple their enemies' morale with blinding insults and scathing retorts, or cripple their own team's morale by speeding off and being slaughtered.

The Knight team carries both sides of the coin in terms of class balance. Alone, an Archer, Heavy Knight, or Man-At-Arms have weaknesses that can be severely exploited, but together they are a deadly efficient war-machine. An Archer depends on a Knight for protection against enemies in melee range, the Knight relies on the Man-At-Arms' speed to nail enemies trying to kite him, and the Man-At-Arms requires an Archer to weaken enemies to a manageable level.

A Knight can act as a bodyguard for an Archer, while a Man-At-Arms hunts for enemies. The guard Knight follows Archers around and protects them from assaults and ambushes; the hunting Man-At-Arms flanks and finishes off weakened opponents, or flushes them towards Heavy Knights; and the Archer shoots enemies trying to get past his teammates. An effective Knight team finds the balance between Archers, Knights, and Men-At-Arms.

In specific situations, lots of Archers, Knights, or Men-At-Arms can prove effective. Tight indoor quarters? You want a lot of Knights. Constantly being given the slip by Skirmishers, Berserkers and the like? You need Men-At-Arms. Open areas with easily defensible elevation? Get lots of Archers. Volley!

Guerre des Reliques

When on a Holy Grail crusade, Knights should push to a position where their Archers can take advantage of their range with Heavy Knight protection. Knights can also send out Heavy Knights en-masse in close quarters, but they should be prepared for keg spam and shield/spear charges. With the Archer strategy, you should have at least one Heavy Knight guarding the Archers, and some Men-At-Arms roaming. During lulls in the combat, the Men-At-Arms should check around for Skirmishers lighting their kegs, Captains loading their guns, or Vikings trying to resupply.

Capture des coffres

When defending your wealth in booty, the Knight team should have Heavy Knights between the savages and the treasure. Archers should cover the open areas and chokepoints from a distance. Men-At-Arms should be in the middle of the defense, ready to help where needed. Knights should consider advancing on the enemy's base to more easily defend fewer choke points. Attacking Knights need to know when to siege and when to assault. Five Archers storming through a door are only going to feed the enemy special attacks to kill the Heavy Knights when they catch up. It is wise to have the Men-At-Arms and Archers regroup near the entrance to the enemy base, and let the Knights go first. In the assault, Archers should stay back and provide ranged support while the Knights and Men-At-Arms kill enemies and take treasure. Men-At-Arms should pass the treasure they've stolen to an Archer, then turn to fight or steal more. Heavy Knights can block doors with their shields if enemies try to stop the carrier.

Dernière équipe en vie

When dealing wholesale slaughter, a Knight team should place Heavy Knights with shields in front to guard their weaker teammates, then advance cautiously to avoid being surprised by kegs and gunfire. Archers and Men-At-Arms should find Skirmishers trying to throw kegs and take them out before they have a chance. Heavy Knights should attempt to bash kegs away from their teammates if possible. Archers can suppress Vikings, and Heavy Knights can defend against and deter Pirates, allowing Men-At-Arms can cut them down.

Capture des territoires

When securing territory, Knights should approach from an angle that grants their Archers good line-of-sight, and preferably a chokepoint for Heavy Knights to fall back to in case of emergency. Once a territory has been secured, only a few Knights need to stay behind and defend it. The others can launch assaults on other territories.


Les Portes

You are likely to encounter a portcullis on some maps. It will be opened and closed using a lever, button or some other device.

It is important not to stand directly beneath the gate as it can drop on your head and crush you! The most exploited gate is located in the Knight's base in bt_island, in the dungeon. If you get trapped in the nearby pool, the only way out is through this gate which foes (mostly) will try and use against you.

There's a brick on the inside, and a lever on the outside that can be used to open or close this particular gate. If you're trying to pass through from that infamous pool of water then you're on the brick side, and you might be unlucky enough to have a knight perched on the other side waiting to hit the lever and drop iron spikes into your skull.

If you find yourself in this situation, you may not get out for sometime. First of all, don't hit the brick to open it and try to rush out, because the knight will quickly retaliate by closing it on you. Generally, if he knows his gate guard training, the only way you'll get rid of him is by waiting for a team member to come and stab him in the back. If the situation draws out, it's often a good idea to send a team message requesting help. Remember though, other Knights can come and help the first Knight.

If you're the one in control of the gate, here are some tips:

  • Entice your enemy to stand beneath the gate by positioning yourself in front of it, inviting him to come take a swing at you. If the enemy is careless, he'll run right up to you. Hit the switch and crush him.
  • If you're trying to trap an enemy, crouch beside the lever in the corner, and keep your crosshair directly on the lever and whenever the gate opens, quickly close it.
  • If an enemy gets too close to the gate, they can sometimes be killed by activating it!

Another very important thing to note is that projectiles and melee strikes of sufficient range can be fired through the gaps in the gate, simply aim directly through the gaps. The is particularly useful, and allows one to achieve easy shots against enemies who can't walk through.

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