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the Skirmisher
General Info
Aussi connu comme Skirmisher Pirate
Introduit pour la Beta 1.0
Health: 100
Armure: 90
Vitesse: 260
Dégâts requit pour l'attaque spéciale: 165

Un de ces rats d'équipage Pirate infesté par le scorbut. Ne le laisser pas cet idiot avec un baril explosif - Il est super rapide!


Vu qu'il possède peu de vie et d'armure, Le skirmisher n'est pas connus pour le combat loyal. Les Skirmishers jouent sur leur vitesse, il a toujours la possibilitée de fuire quand il se retrouve seul. Il va toujours chercher a attaquer les adversaires les plus faible, ou de lancer des attaquer par surprise.

Si la situation devient trop dur a gérer avec son seul sabre, il va prendre de la distance pour se mëttre en sécurité et utiliser son pistolet à silex. Les Skirmishers expérimentés utilisent leur vitesse à leur avantage, ils pourront découper avec finesse leurs ennemis, mais avec moins de grace ils peuvent toujours utiliser un baril explosif remplit de poudre noire qui va faire s'envoler les ennemis.

Voix par: Joseph "Bingo Bango" Bracken


Sabre Pistolet à silex Baril explosif
Average pirate cutlass. A must-have for any self-respecting Skirmisher. It swings and charges quickly, but not powerfully. This is your main weapon, and once you get the hang of its speed, you'll slice through unsuspecting enemies in no time! Take care though, this weapon is only a one-handed weapon and will be parried easily. The Skirmisher uses black powder flintlock pistols (six of them) but they are slow to reload. The shots may not be very accurate, but they are a quick and effective way to deal moderate damage from short-medium range. The Skirmisher carries no back up ammo initially, so be sure to grab some! Accuracy decreases significantly while moving, so stand still or you'll probably miss shots you need to hit. The infamous keg: full of gunpowder that explodes when the ignited wick reaches the barrel. When equipped, the Skirmisher takes it from his back and holds it with both hands, greatly reducing his movement speed. Pressing the attack button once ignites the wick, and pressing it a second time tosses the keg (which lightly damages enemies it collides with). Stuns nearby teammates and deals massive damage to enemies, though most of it can be blocked by a shield. It takes 75 seconds to respawn.
Dégats: 56 (chargé), 42 (non chargeé) Dégats: 32-40 (dépend de la distance) Dégats: 175
Vitesse attaque d'estoc: 15 zone d'explosion: Aprox. 600 units
String: 10 Dégats réduit: 1/6 des dégâts maximum par 100 units d'éloignement
dégats attaque spéciale: 25x5
Special attack: Lunge
It only works with the player holding the cutlass
When your special bar is full, press the special button to execute a powerful Lunge. This Lunge will propel you through the air in a straight line at high speed. You can use this to escape prickly situations where you may be unable to simply run away, such as when somebody blocks your escape route. If you're higher or lower than your target, you'll probably hit them less, or even miss them completely.


Pvk2 skirm play.jpg "Play a full round lasting at least five minutes as a Skirmisher"
"Why Did I Bother Lighting That?"
Pvk2 skirm kill withkegtoss 1x.jpg "Kill an enemy with a tossed keg"
"Keg Stand!"
Pvk2 skirm kegkill 2x.jpg "Kill 2 enemies with a single keg"
"Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch"
Pvk2 skirm kegkill 4x.jpg "Kill 4 enemies with a single keg"
"Keg Whore"
Pvk2 skirm kegkill 500.jpg "Kill 500 enemies with the keg" The Powder Monkey
"Did I Do That?"
Pvk2 skirm kill special 2x.jpg "Kill 2 enemies with a single cutlass lunge special"
Pvk2 skirm dinah.jpg "Failed to realize the usefulness of the cutlass" The Coward
"Ye Scurvy Dog"
Scurvydog.png "Kill an enraged berserker with your pistol" The Scurvy Infested
"Sword At a Gunfight"
Sword@Gunfight.png "Kill 10 enemies with your pistol who have recently damaged you with a melee weapon" The Gunslinger


  • Skirmisher's signature cutlass juggling can only be seen in first person. The same thing happens with said class in Pirates, Vikings and Knights;
  • On earlier versions of the mod, the Skirmisher would spawn holding the flintlock pistol. Sometime after Beta 2.0 it was switched by the class' primary weapon, the cutlass;
  • The Skirmisher is notable for having the least amount of model and/or texture updates throughout the mod's history. While almost every character released prior to Beta 2.3 got its textures updated that matched the teams colors, Skirmisher remains almost intact ever since its first render, back in 2005;
  • Skirmisher's model is, out of the nine available classes, the one that resembles its GoldSrc counterpart the most, despite the latter having a bulkier, comic look and always carrying a cutlass in his mouth;
  • It's also notable that the Skirmisher is the only class with no official concept art (at least outside the development team's archives);


  • Official Skirmisher avatar
  • Early model prototype from 2004.
  • The earliest known render of the class' model.

See also


Skirmisher Strategy

How to get Skirmisher Achievements