"Pirates, Vikings and Knights II currently features five gamemodes: Booty, Holy Grail, Territory, Last Team Standing and Team Deathmatch. Depending on the gamemode players need to complete various objectives to win the round. From simple killing and surviving, to stealing and capturing chests.
Released Gamemodes
Chests are scattered throughout the map and each team has a base they must bring these chests to. The more chests you hold, the faster your counter goes down. Each chest held is worth 1/6th of a point per second, so if you have 1 chest it takes 6 seconds to tick down a point. If you capture a chest that was owned by another team, 5 points are subtracted from your counter and added to theirs; the first team to 0 wins the round. Standing in an enemy's chest zone will stall their counter.
Picking up a Booty chest reduces your speed to a walk. If you have your special bar filled while holding the chest, you can perform a "Chest Special" which gives you a great speed boost. Handy for getting you out of nasty situations and back to the safety of your own base! Be sure not to get blocked by enemies, otherwise you'll just waste your special. Booty maps are easily recognized by the bt_ prefix. Official booty maps are: Island, Forgotten, Pingrove, and Townsquare.
Booty Tag
There is only one single booty chest. The goal is to hold on to the chest until the timer reaches zero. Because you must hold the chest in your hands, you cannot defend yourself. Your team needs to defend you for the sake of winning the round. Unfortunately, matches usually end with one person hiding with the chest, until the timer runs out while all the other players just deathmatch.
This mode was replaced by...
Holy Grail
A Holy Grail is placed somewhere in the map. Teams must fight their way to the grail and grab it. The members of the team holding the grail must work together to kill a certain number of enemies. Both the grail holder and his surrounding teammates receive buffs from the grail including health regeneration. A grail icon above the holder's head is visible through walls, pointing enemies in the right direction. However, to keep things from getting too chaotic, the icon fades away at a certain distance and only updates its position every few seconds.
Holy Grail maps have the hg_ prefix, and Desertruin, Fort, Frostbite & Temple are Official maps supporting the gamemode.
This mode has been replaced by...
Trinket Wars
Trinket Wars is an overhaul of the long-plagued-by-balance-issues Holy Grail mode. Each team has their own 'Grail' or 'Trinket'. Each team has to protect their trinket carrier, whilst getting kills near him and try to take down enemy trinket carriers. With each team having its own Trinket and with players spawning close to friendly trinket carriers, expect big dirty fights all over the place. The team that utilizes teamwork and tactics the most efficiently wins.
Territories are strategically placed throughout the map. Teams need to capture these points and hold them. The more territories you own, the faster your counter drops. The first team to 0 will win the round. In some maps, holding all of the territories will allow the team to win in X number of seconds, no matter how high their counter is; these variables are all map-specific. Standing in an enemy's territory will reduce the rate of their counter, but the attackers must outnumber the defenders for the territory to change to neutral. To capture a territory, you must first clear out all enemies.
Maps with this gamemode have the te_ prefix, Sandstorm is currently the only Official map with this gamemode.
Last Team Standing
All teams spawn and each player has 1 life per round. Once killed, you become a spectator. The last team to have players alive will win the round. There is a timer to control the round, if the timer reaches 0:00, players enter Sudden Death. The exact effects of Sudden Death vary from map to map, but they usually force players into a small area in the middle of the map. Sudden Death will only last for so long before the round automatically ends. If there is no winner by this time, the round is considered a Draw. Sudden Death has a random chance of occurring very suddenly at round start.
LTS maps have the lts_ prefix, Official Last Team Standing maps are: Arena, Cathedral, Town, and Gravedanger.
Objective Push
Difficult to describe, very map specific. The mapper has a lot of control over how the game mode works. Generally there is a timer set at the beginning of the round. The mapper chooses who the timer runs for. The mapper also chooses objectives the players must attain before the timer runs out. These may include objects to destroy, buttons to press, any array of triggers at the mappers discretion. Time can be added to the timer through triggers and teams can be chosen for the timer. When the timer reaches zero the team designated by the mapper will win the round. See this threadfor more information!
Team Deathmatch
Players spawn around the map and simply kill as many enemies as possible. There are no rounds and the only objective is to annihilate players on opposing teams.
Planned Gamemodes
Each team has a base they must protect. At the same time they're trying to siege the other teams' bases. One player will be able to play the lord class who can buy upgrades and siege weapons for their team with resources gathered by players from kills. Ultimate goals vary from map to map.
Slay the Dragon
All three teams try to take down a giant A.I. controlled dragon. They won't work together, as they can kill each other at the same time.
Relics are placed throughout the map. These are very powerful objects that can bring harm to an enemy base. By picking up a relic and bringing it to an enemy base, the team will score points. The first team to a set amount of points will win.
They are out to kill your Lord! You must protect him at all costs by escorting him to a safe point in the map. Enemies try to assassinate the Lord.
Capture the Flag
Capture the other teams banner and return it to your base. If your banner is missing, you cannot score until your banner has been retrieved."